I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Leaning In to Aunt Life

Leaning In to Aunt Life

So, I’m going to be that aunt, I guess. The aunt that posts about the baby as if it were mine (and for the record, no I don’t want one, I’m just happy to be an aunt for ten minute increments).

And it’s been so fun seeing my family fawn over our first nephew/grandkid (for my parents) and just the awe at how it really does change everything. For one thing, this visit with my parents has us hanging out at home mostly because you can’t take the baby anywhere yet. At least not yet.

And now on his first month, it’s been such a fun and cray set of weeks, just seeing him grow from a tiny human that can fit on my lap, to one that’s kind of getting heavier every single time I try to carry him. And with my impending move to the Northeast, it’ll be so much easier to visit my sister and Ed and the baby.

For now, it’s shuttling me, Pio, and my aunt back and forth to the Northeast and back to my place, as we try to spend as much time with him as we can. For the first month, my assignment has mostly been (and most probably will be limited to) logistics, ferrying people back and forth, making sure there’s a constant stream of food being delivered and trying to put some organization into the house.

But I’m liking that. I know I’m not my mom who can put the baby to sleep magically, but I can go to IKEA to buy some shelves and trolleys to organise all the diapers! So that’s my memory of this first month. Seeing my sister a bit freaked out (and why wouldn’t she be) and having my mom and aunt support her day to day while we all get used to this new set-up. Super excited to see Theo get bigger and bigger!

The Lucky One

The Lucky One

Rewind: June 2023

Rewind: June 2023