I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Currently: December 2022

Currently: December 2022

We’ve made it folks. We’re at the end of 2022. It’s pretty crazy, and I know that every time I write this out, I’m counting down the months, but we’re here again. I woke up on the last day of the year with a stiff neck but on new bed sheets so that pretty much sums up my year. A lovely, laughable balance of good and not so great. And next year won’t be any different. But before we step into the arbitrary new year (which I adore!), here’s one last look at the last month of the year.


Time with loved ones this December. Despite it interfering with my carefully crafted routines, it was nice to have my parents and brother, Pio over to Singapore for the holidays. It was a packed ten days that started with me flying in with the parents and ended with me hanging out in Changi airport for an entire day (tiring but weirdly fun) and a zoo and lots of malls in between. As I get older, I get more tired easily, but I also want to make sure I get to spend as much time as I can with my folks so this was pretty good. I can’t wait till the entire fam is back together.

working on

Balancing my hermit life and all the socials that is December. This month, I got to step on an airplane for the first time in two plus years and it was to go back to Manila to witness my friend (and former boss) Koko’s wedding to Ian. Despite the anxiety of traveling again, I knew I wanted to be there. I didn’t plan anything else for my three day trip back home because I loathe traffic and knew it would be manic enough with one event. I’m so glad I was there for it. Getting to catch up with friends but also just enjoy home-cooking and the crazy banter between my uncle and aunt who were in town at the same time.


Grateful for the past year despite the downs and hopeful that 2023 has this or something better coming up for me. I always get a bit down towards the end of the year as I try to take stock of the past year and make plans for the next. I feel some growth happened this year and I’m hopeful for even more learning and laughing and loving next year. Thanks for sticking around, see you on the flip side.

Hello, 2023

Hello, 2023

It's a Christmas Miracle!

It's a Christmas Miracle!