I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Currently: December 2019

Currently: December 2019

And just like that, we’re done with 2020. It really is an age thing, where time flies so damn quickly. Because honestly, it feels like I just listed my favorites from 2018 and now, we’re closing out 2019 too. The decade was my decade of employment and independence and I’d like to think my best one just yet. So here’s to the next year, decade. I hope we all have a grand time.


  • A really chill Christmas celebration. For the first time, my parents weren’t in town and so it was a Google Hangouts kind of Christmas eve for me and though different, it was actually really nice. I guess it was also because I knew I’d be spending time with the parents towards the end of the year but it was a nice and different Christmas eve.

  • Helping my brother move in to his new place! My brother and his wife have been renting in the East and now they’re in Tanjong Pagar in a really nice neighborhood, with a really nice place! I’m so happy even if I was so tired from building IKEA furniture! Who knew! Still, a great start to their new home!

  • Gathering friends for a Practical Magic reading as my holiday gift to them. Because Chinggay was in town and is obviously the mothership of all the tarot readings (I’ve been using her cards on my friends), it was nice for them to get a reading from the boss that actual created the cards! I’ve never mixed friend groups before and it was the first time and I would say it was a pretty good success!

  • Reading a letter I wrote myself a year ago. I’ve been writing myself letters from 365 days back and locking them until December of the next year and though it’s always interesting to read it the year later, 2018’s letter to my 2019 self was pretty spot-on amazing.

  • All the freaking Hallmark movies I consumed this year. Guys, there were 39 movies (it would have been 40 but somehow one magically disappeared! A Christmas miracle!) Lots of misses but there were some hits. And honestly it’s just a fun tradition to get through all the craziness. The lesson learned is don’t sleep on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries. They have all the gems.

Working On

  • Getting my cholesterol down. It seemed like an inevitability but seeing actual results (and really bad ones at that) was a HUGE wake up call to me. Food is my weakness. The horrible unhealthy kind and now I really need to get my shit together. I need all the help.

  • The book reading marathon I managed! There are so many awesome books this year and I wish I was able to read even more. Getting recommendations from friends with similar reading tastes was a great way to get more

  • I tried to cook an actual meal you guys. It wasn’t the best but it was a start. I tried doing tortang talong and because I’m not a fan of open flames, I did a bunch of substitutions and maybe that’s why it didn’t turn out the way I wanted. Still, I want to keep trying.


  • The New Year. I know it’s arbitrary but the start of a calendar year is always so full of hope. It’s silly because obviously everyday and every minute is a fresh start but this one just feels a tad more special so let’s go with it, ok? I’m looking forward to a fresh start and a great start to the decade.

  • Spending time with the parents in the first few days of the new year! it’s a bit different this year — they usually come for Christmas and are gone before the New Year but this year is different and I’m actually looking forward to this.

Keep It

Going one step forward but two steps back. Feelings are tough and just when you think you’re over something or that you’ve moved on, you literally get a meteor crashing down on you to remind you that perhaps you’re not quite there yet. I’m really proud of how I’ve managed to cope and deal with blasts from the past but I do wish I could turn the faucet shut tight, no leaks, no driplets of feels coming through. I just hate all these dumb what-if’s I shouldn’t even be entertaining.

Video On Repeat

Harry released an album this month and honestly I wish he had done so earlier in the year so that I could have binged it way more than i was able to.

But then he goes to BBC Radio 1 and does something like this and you know I’m dead. Lizzo + Harry and I am in heaven. Why does he do this to me? He knows me way too well.

Here’s to more amazing music and movies and books and fun times with friends in the new year. Thanks everyone for cheering me on this year. I’ll see you in the next.

Begin Again

Begin Again

You Make It Feel Like Christmas

You Make It Feel Like Christmas