I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Blocky Time

Blocky Time

I’ve always been into tracking things. Habits (more on that another time), my period (hello Clue!), just daily diary stuff on Day one and now that I’ve discovered a scalable (ish) way to do time tracking, it’s been pretty fun to see how I spend my time on a weekly basis.

Spoiler: it’s sleep that takes up most of it (and that’s a good thing). But it’s also work (not surprisingly) and then of course there’s all the media I’m consuming (mostly podcasts). And then there’s the socialisation bit (cause I’m not an island after all).

It’s interesting though to see how little time I spend doing things I would like to do more of (like knitting and producing pods and blogging to an extent). Or to taking care of myself (through exercise of some sort or another).

I’m curious to see how much of my time I spend this year doing these six different buckets. It would be another way to diary. Plus, I get to learn some Python (thanks, T!) and see it in lovely graphs of big buckets of time vs activities!

So in a way, these 30 minute increments of my time (though not very granular) would be another way to look back on the year.

Currently: January 2022

Currently: January 2022

I Want You Back

I Want You Back