I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
All I Can Say Is Same

All I Can Say Is Same

At the start of the year, I tried making resolutions — or goals of sorts to keep me in check this year and goodness, I didn’t think this year would turn out the way it has, so really, does anything matter any more? If you told me at the start of 2020, if I saw myself working from home and being virtually trapped (but not really), I wouldn’t have said, yeah that sounds about right.

Nevertheless, here’s my mid-year check-in to keep myself accountable!

Stay Healthy

I had another cholesterol check-in and though my bad cholesterol is still pretty bad (we’ve confirmed that it’s familiar hypocholesterolemia which means i’ll forever be elevated), my HDL (good cholesterol!) and my ratio is so much better! And it’s got to be due to the freaking lifestyle change I’ve employed since November.

I’ve had fast food once since then (I cheated on the day I moved houses because you know…) and I started preparing my own meals (who is this person!!!) at the beginning of circuit break in April! I’ve also increased my exercise and incorporated more swimming and maintaining my 10K steps per day.

It’s been part routine, part sanity check-in. I’m hoping I can sustain this though, because that’s the only way it’ll matter. Still pretty proud of myself of how I’ve managed this.

Spending/Saving Better

I have to say this pandemic + moving house has kind of cancelled each other out. Cause on one hand, I am paying more rent than I used to, but I’m also home more and not going out as much and cooking for myself rather than taking away so at least on a day to day level, things are I hope a little better than before if anything?

I did try to look more into investing and though I’m still pretty new at it, it’s a start. I definitely just want someone to tell me what to do. I know i said it before but I need to get more serious about this part. Especially with the economic uncertainty that is 2020.

Practicing Gratitude

This more than ever, now more than ever. With people getting laid off and people dying all over the world, you really put into perspective what is important and what matters. And was much as I do want to maintain the life I have right now, there are worse news that I could hear that I don’t want to hear. So living in the present and being incredibly grateful for what I have has been so much more apparent.

I’ve been trying to meditate more and journal more religiously but also with intention so that it’s not just doing them for the sake of. I can still get better at it but day by day is all one can do really.

Connect with Loved Ones

Well well well, COVID-19 sure made this one much much much much more present in my life to the point where I need a break from all the connecting. I kid. It’s been the one silver lining of this entire thing is that you do get to have more meaningful-ish conversations with family & friends, people you haven’t talked to in a while!

it’s one nostalgia trip down memory lane to be honest, talking to friends from college! from high school! from manila! from 3 years ago! near or far, thank goodness for technology for enabling this more.

Carry Me Away

Carry Me Away

Currently: June 2020

Currently: June 2020