I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Currently: July 2020

Currently: July 2020

And we’re careening towards the end of the year. The first month of the second half of the year is gone and I can’t believe it. I’m slowly coming out of my shell (that is my new home that I still love to bits) and seeing folks in the real world. Singapore has been A+ in their handling of this and all the measures in place make you feel a tad bit safer though I’m still trying to limit it (it doesn’t look obvious though below).

Still, happy to look back on July, the month of a mix of calls and real life meet ups because easing ourselves back into this new era is still something to get used to.


  • You guys? I don’t know if I ever told you but my personal laptop died on me (it’s been around since 2013 so I wasn’t surprised). And when I tried the Apple store, they advised against having it repaired because expensive and parts wouldn’t be available so I was ready to RETURN IT/have it recycled but couldn’t because I didn’t have a printer to print the receipt but that was kismet because then I saw my friend, Diwa revive her own personal laptop (she’s a genius) and though I knew I couldn’t do it myself, she told me to go to the smaller repair stores and so I did and now it is fixed and I am writing this from my personal laptop with its new lease on life and I am incredibly happy about it.

  • I haven’t written a proper post about Taylor Swift’s new surprise album drop but I am here for folklore and how kind of her to give us some content since we’re all just stuck in place! I won’t even get into the discourse of how she’s now ‘taken seriously’ with this because I’ve always been a fan of her music but YES to new music in this climate. Give me more.

  • Closing those goddamn rings on the Activity app on the Apple Watch which I finally caved and got because I was Fitbit-less for a couple months now and thought I would “treat myself” to something if I completed and was consistent with exercise during the circuit break. If you’re on it and want to be creepy with me as we watch each others activities accumulate, let me know, so I can add you!

Working On

  • My cycling! I tried to get back on it, both indoor and outdoor and the indoor has been really fun because I now have a trainer that I can actually see and track results from. the outdoor one, I tried one by myself (scared but safe!) and a second time with an ex-colleague and I crashed (again, this time it was intentional because I couldn’t get my brakes on a downhill slope that merged into the main road). So obviously, I want to keep it chill with the going out and instead maybe get my Zwift on more. Let’s see.

  • I made throw pillow covers for my couch (photos to follow when I have decent ones of the house in a good way)! How domesticated (I wish!) I had some thread I bought in Norway when I was last there (I wonder when I can go back!) and I didn’t know what to do with it. I have a tendency to buy arbitrary amount of thread — never knowing what I’ll do with it and then realizing I don’t have enough to make anything. So for this thread, I only had enough for one pillow! I had to get additional thread for the second pillow. And now with the cheapest pillows from IKEA, I now have throw pillow covers that I can launder (the buttons were a bitch!)


  • Long-ish weekends in August. Even if I have nowhere to go, I’m starting to burn leaves because I can only carry over 10 of my leaves to 2021. So though my first attempt was a fail this month (it rained— I couldn’t go to the beach; and then I got my period). It should be interesting to see how i end up spending non-work days at home. Let’s be real, I’ll be in bed.

Everything Has Changed

Everything Has Changed

Come and Get It

Come and Get It