I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Ginny & Georgia

Ginny & Georgia

As a long time lover of content, I have my TV shows and then I have my manicure shows. By definition, manicure shows are shows you can literally concentrate on doing your manicure while still somehow understanding the plot of the show. And with that knowledge, I asked for recommendations from my Future Media Empire gals, Chinggay and Macy because I needed a manicure show bad.

Why? Well I was packing up 5 boxes of my life and throwing away a ton of other things all while cleaning up and making sure that I returned the flat in the way I got it. And so I definitely needed a manicure show. The recommendations came back as Firefly Lane and Ginny and Georgia. I had seen these recommended to me by the Netflix algorithm but had never really given in.

So as I packed up my life, I chose Ginny & Georgia, just because I wasn’t sure I was ready to see Izzie Stevens outside of Seattle Grace. And so Ginny & Georgia it was. And in the beginning, I did treat it like a manicure show, barely looking up, and just playing it while I made boxes and threw things away. But by the fifth episode of season 1, I found myself stopping the packing to rewind and figure out what was happening.

How did it graduate so quickly? Well it’s pretty wild as a show. There’s murder (like literal multiple murder) and yet it feels like it’s Stars Hollow but a lot darker and with some Gen Z teens. The murder is “justified” in a way and really does drive the plot along but also tells what a hard life Georgia has had so far and it kind of makes you root for her. 

Then there’s the Gen Z crowd that at first annoyed me, but Ginny is gorgeous. Look up this actress and she is so beautiful and evokes so much emotion, I’m getting flashbacks to my dramatic diary entries as a high school student. And so as I plod on, I had to put it on pause because now it’s way more than manicure show, it’s a pay attention and put down your phone show. Of course, I still pick up the phone to text Macy in all caps letters the wild things that are happening.

I’m glad it’s getting another season because clearly this hidden gem gives me some Gilmore Girls vibes with a a lot darker theme and a less quirky slant and that’s not always a bad thing. The representation and diversity of relationships is a breath of fresh air and really shows how incredibly one tone older shows that I love and bring comfort were.

Ginny and her many loves and hurts is compelling. Austin and his forlorn looks makes me want to give him a hug. But the way they both love their mom despite the craziness Georgia puts them through really is a testament to the bond of family. 

Rewind: August 2023

Rewind: August 2023

Let the Ange Era Begin

Let the Ange Era Begin