I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Come Pick Me Up

Come Pick Me Up

So you know how I’m terrible with my screen time? Well this has been the struggle on and off. And between deleting social media, to just locking all the apps, things haven’t been super successful. Luckily for me, I can stop things cold turkey (kind of). And so that Lazada game i was obsessed with has been taken off the list.

However there’s still 150 phone pick ups in a day which is pretty wild. So here I am trying something new. I thought, why don’t I try to not pick up my phone 10 times an hour (on average) and just set a timer. If the timer doesn’t go off, I can’t pick it up.

And it worked. For a couple of weeks (mostly when I was on holiday) but I’m seeing how I can scale that out. From 150, I got down to 40 something which is wild and unsustainable and i’m now slowly coming back up to the 60s. I want to aim for around 64 because that means 4 pick -ups in one hour which shouldn’t be too bad.

And I think I can but also with those 4 pick ups, I know I’m definitely using the phone a lot longer because I’m so starved for using it. So how is everyone doing this phone detox? I’m short of just buying a dumb phone for texting but there’s whatsapp and that’s hard to let go of.

Still it’s worth a try and I hope I can maintain this in the new year. Who’s with me?

And That's 2023 in Music

And That's 2023 in Music

Rewind: November 2023

Rewind: November 2023