I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Rewind: November 2023

Rewind: November 2023

Well that’s a wrap on November and 7 years at my company. It’s the big headline for November and I’m just a ball of emotion for everything. Honestly, I’m surprised I’m standing after the rollercoaster of the month, but it was a good one and it’s always cathartic to look back.


My support systems have been amazing. With all the upheaval with everything, it’s great to have loved ones who have my back. Taylor and I checked in with my sister and her husband — a little ritual we’ve been doing together and it’s nice to pick up where we left off. We also did our annual holiday shebang with the girls and the gays and this time around, we had the babies too which was a nice touch. And finally we bid farewell to Chaps, who’s been in Singapore for 10 years as he heads back home to Manila.

Working On

Auntie Life is life. Apart from trying to take a break between jobs, I’m also leaning in hard to the aunt life. There’s no Theo photo here but clearly I’m aunt in chief here and all the more I feel the need to step up in that department. I don’t know how I’ll do it as I transition to my new role and what kind of mental commitment that will need but I’m excited to work on finding that balance.


Really bittersweet to leave my company after 7 years. The folks who came out to wish me the best were amazing and I really can’t believe how lucky I am to have made friends there and grown as a person and learned all that i did. It wasn’t always smooth but I spent most of my 30s here and it’s definitely a place I will look fondly back on with lots of great memories. Still choking up.

Come Pick Me Up

Come Pick Me Up

Bangkok Calling

Bangkok Calling