I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Currently: June 2022

Currently: June 2022

We’re halfway through the year. I can’t believe I’m writing this. I know that I’m ageing, because time can’t be going this fast, if I weren’t this old. But I guess, that’s how it goes now.


I don’t think I would ever grow plants in my balcony, and yet, here we are. Sure, I’ve had plants ever since I moved in to my new place, but i haven’t been this into them. It doesn’t hurt that Taylor has quite the green thumb and has been a wonderful support system. But also, I’m really happy that my dad has gotten into his gardening ever since he had to water my plants when he lived here. I’m also really pleased with the shelf I got second hand off Carousell so that I could arrange the smaller pots on the balcony and my compost bin, too! Here’s to hoping they flourish more.


French braids. I have not had this much hair in a very long time and I don’t know when I’ll have it again next, but it’s been fun to finally try to do something with it. It all started with not wanting to wash my hair every day and not have it look incredibly greasy. And so one Saturday night, I literally put on a YouTube video and here we are. It’s not that great yet, but it’s getting better. Also, I didn’t realise that Conditioner could be my best friend! I just have never had so much hair that conditioner was a thing to use! Who knew!


inspired by the youth! For the third episode of Making an Impact, we talked to Kate Yeo of BYO Bottle SG and she is literally still in university. I know that I’ve never been a very ambitious person, but it’s making me want to do something more, when I hear how she started out and how she’s continuing her activism. I know that baby steps work but sometimes it just feels daunting to do something. Still, I’m glad I was exposed to her enthusiasm and energy, because my ageing body definitely needed this kick in the butt. I’m excited for the episode to come out.

The Bridgerton Series

The Bridgerton Series

The Palace Papers

The Palace Papers