I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Are We Feeling 2022 Yet?

Are We Feeling 2022 Yet?

I know it’s a cliche but I really do look forward to the arbitrary start of a new year. I’m one of those folks that try their best to wrap up the year (holler my Unravel Your Year friends) and set intentions for the next year. This year, my word is flourish (thanks Marty Seligman!) and I really do hope I can live it daily. Even when it’s hard and boy, just one week in to the year, it is proving to be difficult as fuck.

So anyway, no matter how pointless this may be at some point down the year, I’m writing them down for posterity’s sake. A nice little artifact of when I was feeling positive.

Conscious Relationships

The relationships in my life are possibly the most important things to me. Friends and family have been there for me for so long, I’m so conscious of maintaining and growing these still. I also learned about Relationship Anarchy last year and I am trying my best to live the parts I can to the best of my ability.

I want to make sure I continue to show my loved ones how much they mean to me and continue an engagement with them, and not in the way that social norms tell me I need to express this love for them. It’s such hard work but the most worthy work I can think of and I really want to make sure I continue to cultivate these.

Intentional Self-Care

I kind of laugh when I hear self-care these days because everything and nothing can be considered this and I’m trying to be more intentional with how I take care of myself. I want the experiences wherein I do look after me to bring about positive emotions. So whether that’s my physical self through yoga cause let’s be real, that’s the one I enjoy most or mentally through therapy and coaching, I really want to make sure I prioritize time for these things.

I’m also learning a whole lot about myself and how long it takes me to process change and I want to be kinder to myself when I fall short of how others fare. I am often called sensitive and it was said not in a positive way, but I want to embrace the sensitive side of me that just feels things more, almost to the point of being an empath about it. It’s ok that I’m different and I want to embrace and care for this side of me that I’ve suppressed and have seen as a flaw.

Mindful Growth

I’m at that point wherein I do ask myself sometimes, what is the point of everything. Yes, we are in a wasteland of COVID daily coping but sometimes when I’m feeling optimistic, I look for the meaning in things I do. and somehow still hope I can still grow to be a better person.

I want to try to identify the facets in my life wherein I can grow and want to grow — whether it’s something I already have inside me or something I have yet to discover. I want to do things I really do want to do and not what i think society expects of me or anyone else for that matter.

What are your intentions for the year apart from surviving it? Cause let’s be real, as long as I make it out at baseline, I’ll consider 2022 a success.

I Want You Back

I Want You Back

Currently: December 2021

Currently: December 2021