I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Starting All Over Again

Starting All Over Again

Welcome to another year. Did 2020 really count? I guess so. In some ways. In other ways, not so much. At the end of each year, I write myself a letter to my future self and it’s always enlightening and interesting to see how I thought the year would turn out or how I hope it does.

And at the same time, at the start of each year, I try to set some sort of arbitrary goals for myself. I know you can change at the start of every day but somehow, I’m still a sucker for the new year. I can’t say I’ve been good thus far. Lord knows, I’ve probably been lazier than the year that was, but here we are. It’s a pandemic. Welcome to 2021.

Cherish My Health

I sad it last year and I’ll say it again this year. Now more than ever, it’s so important to really value the health I’m given. We just never know. I’m happy to say that last year, I was actually really good about it. Too strict at some points, but enough to get me on the right path. I haven’t had fast food in forever (except for that one time when i moved houses) and I’ve done some sort of exercise every goddamned day.

I think I want to ease up on this over-all. There were days when I really just didn’t want to do things but I did because I’m a sucker for streaks but it also made me feel very pressured. And honestly, who needs the extra pressure these days. So I will cherish my health and do what I can to the best of my abilities to keep the cholesterol down. Also, I kinda really liked how I looked as a by product — I haven’t been this vain, you guys!

Value Relationships

Last year, I did a lot of reconnecting with folks and really trying to be present when connecting with loved ones — and that was tough over zoom but we managed. This year, I really want to be more present in the relationships I cultivate. Last year, I realized (more so) that I am so freaking lucky to have the support system I have. From my family to my close friends to colleagues and folks I’ve met along the way.

For a year of isolation, I felt least alone because I knew I had good folks propping me up. I learned to rely on others a bit more and slowly came out of my shell, allowing for more vulnerability in my relationships. This year, I want to build on that and really focus on those that matter to me.

Practice Gratitude

And as you guys can tell, I’m just really glad to be alive and healthy and have my family and friends be the same way. Last year stripped away all the excess — travel was a no-go — but I have so many other luxuries that I was able to enjoy and it really made me see, damn, I’m so fucking lucky. I’m so blessed. I’m so everything. And I need to remember that every single day.

I’m going to try to be better at practicing gratitude. Not just when it’s easy and when I’m happy but when I’m feeling like everything sucks, because I feel that a lot. So thanks guys. For hanging in there with me and really, you’ve gotten me through this. I’m grateful for you.

C'est L'amour

C'est L'amour

Currently: December 2020

Currently: December 2020