I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
The Huberman Lab

The Huberman Lab

If you’ve listened to my Hallmark podcast, you’ll know I am a sucker for a big and burly man. And obviously, an intelligent one is an extreme plus. And thus, it is with great pleasure that I share my obsession with Dr. Andrew Huberman and his podcast, The Huberman Lab.

I discovered him when I was going through a bout of anxiety that was pretty bad that I had reached out to family and friends for support — a rarity for me. My aunt, Tita Lilet (aka the cool aunt) shared his podcast on managing stress. I still go back to it when I need a logical, burly man to tell me that I can manage it.

His podcasts are dense and hours long and as someone that edits podcasts, I can’t imagine being his editor producer because it is a lot of content. It takes me a couple listens to really digest everything he has to say and honestly, sometimes, I can’t keep up. But I kind of love that about him.

He floors me with his intelligence — and sure, there’s a lot of supplement advertising (who doesn’t?!) and how he can make everything sound so incredibly logical and science-y, that I can’t help but swoon. He’s got this, ok? Everything is based on fact, don’t worry.

I’ve listened to maybe a quarter of his pods and I’m glad I still have a whole backlog to get through because it’s so comforting to listen to him pontificate on how science solves everything. And yes, he’s really not bad on the eyes.

Making An Impact

Making An Impact

Goodbye, 34

Goodbye, 34