I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Working On My Fitness

Working On My Fitness

I know that exercise is something I need to do. 150 minutes of Zone 2 HR exercise is what’s recommended for an adult and I feel like with my high cholesterol, I need to do more of it. When I first moved to Singapore 7 years ago, I made it my mission to run my ass off. I was slow but I did it. The reason? I knew I could never run outdoors in Manila without my mom being worried sick.

So I ran all times of night and did up to a half marathon. Again, not fast, but I did it anyway. The bad news was, I burned through the cartillage in my knees. Both of them. So I tried doing less running, more cycling and swimming and even walking. And for a while, it was good. I did a mini-triathlon.

Then COVID-19 hit and because I couldn’t leave the house except to exercise, I found myself walking EVERY SINGLE MORNING like clockwork. And when things started opening up, some Yin Yoga, my favorite kind. Was my heart rate in Zone 2? Probably not, but I loved these.

And with my cholesterol, I knew I needed to up my HDL to offset my terrible LDL so it was back to cardio. But I just couldn’t bring myself to it. Earlier this year, I started doing more weight training thanks to Caroline Givran and all the YouTube. But then, I got COVID a couple weeks back and I haven’t gotten back into the groove of working out.

It’s not that I feel weak, I feel lazy. And I don’t know how to get out of my funk. I know I can do it again. I’ve done it before. But with the offices opening up and knowing I have to be in more days than I’m working from home, I honestly don’t know how I’m supposed to manage.

My friend Macy is amazing. Doing a workout every single morning, no matter what. I need that kind of motivation again. Wish me luck but also tell me how you’re doing it.

Currently: November 2022

Currently: November 2022

COVID-19 in 2022

COVID-19 in 2022