I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
A New State of Mind

A New State of Mind

So, I’ll admit I haven’t been listening to a lot of my usual music this past quarter and I’ll attribute it to the new work from home (again) situation and my reluctance to get back into the groove of knowing I have no options for going to work. And so I’ve been listening to a lot of classical and jazz to try and get me to concentrate. Still, the pop girl in me definitely heard some stand outs and I will share them here.

Good 4 U by Olivia Rodrigo

I will admit I have managed to stay away from Driver’s License (probably the last person on earth) but I couldn’t avoid the rest of her album SOUR which would have been the balm to my angsty high school self. I’m glad I’m listening to this as a 34-year old person who claims to know better but really doesn’t and really can still relate to these high school feelings because honestly does anyone ever really grow up? I know I haven’t. Screaming this song at the top of my lungs as I drive around with my expired driver’s license pretending I can drive in Singapore when I can’t even drive (legally) in Manila now.

Don’t Need Nothing by Aly & AJ

We’re all still kind of stuck in doors and well the borders aren’t opening up any time soon so seeing Aly and AJ in wide open spaces with that glorious summer sun and just good vibes is really making me wish I could go on a road trip. Changi Airport to Jurong East anyone? Honestly, if I had that driver’s license and could drive on the wrong side of the road, I’m so there. But until then, I’ll just have this on repeat because I sure don’t need nothing but there’s plenty that I want.

Solar Power by Lorde

Well Lorde is back in my life and I couldn’t be happier! It has been a while since we got new Lorde music and I’m glad it took her a pandemic to decide to gift us with song again! Do I now want to frolic through a beach in a yellow outfit? Always, but I also kind of want to grow out my hair to absurd levels (I won’t last, don’t worry) and just pretend like I’m Lorde? Sure why not. Give me that solar power because god knows I need all the help I can get. Yay for new music!

Not Quite Cruel Summer Nights

Not Quite Cruel Summer Nights

Everything's Going To Be Alright

Everything's Going To Be Alright