I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Change Your Mind

Change Your Mind

This quarter is almost wrapping up which means we are nearing the end of the year compilation of our favorite albums of the year and there have been some interesting drops this past quarter. Here are some of the things I’ve been obsessing over on repeat.

  1. Taylor Swift (folklore) Clearly the biggest drop of the quarter, I’m shocked this even came out as quickly as it did — thank you, Beyonce for pioneering this surprise drop. And though I’m still more of a 1989!Taylor kind of girl, I do love soft!Taylor and this is all soft. Some of them blend into each other for me, but I really enjoy august among others.

  2. Ellie Goulding (Brightest Blue) - She first released the EP Slow Grenade and I really enjoyed that — the fact that it has Lauv on it is just a plus — incredibly earwormy songs from this guy. Then there’s Close To Me with Diplo (whom I’m not usually a big fan of) so it was nice to be surprised by this single.

  3. King Princess (Cheap Queen ) Technically this album isn’t even new but then she released a new deluxe version and aren’t I the lucky one? I’m really obsessed with Ain’t Together because it really just kills you straight at the heart. With lyrics like, “I ain’t chill at all” — god knows it resonates all too much.

  4. Alessia Cara (This Summer: Live Off the Floor) Cheating completely on this one because this is the acoustic version of one of my favorite EPs from last year but it’s that good that I just want to listen to it all the time. What’s On Your Mind and Rooting For You still holds a special place in my heart but it’s nice to hear acoustic versions of the others, too.

  5. Troye Sivan (In a Dream EP) I really enjoyed whenever a Troye Sivan song comes up on my shuffle so I finally decided to take a deeper dive into his discography and was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed his new EP. Easy is a standout for me but everything is pretty much bop-worthy.

  6. Keith Urban (The Speed of Now) Though technically this album doesn’t drop until the 18th of September, I’ve heard enough singles to know I’m excited about it. This brand of country (which is really pop at this point) has really grown on me and Keith Urban is so good at wrenching my heart. Nothing different with Change Your Mind, pulls at the heartstrings each time.

  7. Miley Cyrus (Midnight Sky) I’ve really enjoyed the singles she released in 2019 and I’m so glad that she’s still at it with the same vibe as Slide Away and Mother’s Daughter which I found myself going back to over and over again — even up to earlier this year. I hope she’s working on an album and I hope it all has this vibe.

  8. BLACKPINK with Selena Gomez (Ice Cream) I am not even a KPop fan, though I think I would enjoy fangirlingthis and there’s so much to dive in to, but given I know I don’t have time, hearing this lovely collaboration between Selena Gomez and BLAKCPINK feels like a nice toe in a crazy fandom I just don’t have energy for.

  9. Leidi (Are We A Thing) This song technically was released in April but I only discovered it when Phase 2 rolled around and I am head over heels in love with it. Though probably not the best situation to be in, it’s a familiar one for a lot of folks and I find myself yelling this out loud as I walk alone around the block.

  10. Cardi B feat. Meghan Thee Stallion (WAP) Finally, I don’t think I could end this list if I didn’t include my ‘song of the summer.’ I always like to challenge myself to rap songs at karaoke and the more collaborators the better. I have a new challenge and I accept it. This song is all kinds of amazing.

It Really Does Have It All

It Really Does Have It All

Currently: August 2020

Currently: August 2020