I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Currently: September 2020

Currently: September 2020

Well, September was a shit show — in some ways, but it wasn’t all that bad. On the horrible side, we lost an icon, and oh you know, the pandemic. But in my tiny little bubble, I got very stressed over the last month of the quarter — chasing deadlines I know I’ll miss and going over budget on things I could have controlled better. It was not a pretty sight, but I’m glad it’s over. Because in the end, there were silver linings.


  • The Tottenham Hotspur All Or Nothing documentary on Amazon Prime is glorious. We spent 3 episodes talking about it and I wrote about it, too. Obviously, I am obsessed. Did I mention we were featured for a split second? I did, oh well. Let me say that again. And now that Premier League is back, life feels ‘back to normal’ or as normal as it can be where players live in bubbles and stadiums are empty, but I’ll take it! I’ve missed you so, lads!

  • I finally bought speakers, you guys. Though I don’t listen to music too loudly, it still feels weird that I can listen to anything at home without earphones! It’s such a luxury I am so grateful for. So I bit the bullet and did the dad-like thing of getting the speakers he had recommended to me like 4 years ago. I’m so his daughter in this sense.

  • Peanut Butter. I don’t know why I’m late to the game. As a child, it wasn’t like I didn’t like peanut butter, I did. But now, I love it. Everything is but a vessel for me to eat more peanut butter. It can’t be good for me, because it tastes so nice. I’m looking for any and all peanut butter recommendations. I would like to explore everyone’s favorites.

Working On

  • Getting back into tennis! Ish! Malini re-introduced me to her friend, Joy — an actual avid tennis player who just needs a warm-up partner. And honestly, I am that perfect partner because I’m so bad at tennis again, that she can just use me to warm-up. And I burn way more calories trying to hit a ball. I clearly need to practice but it’s pretty good.

  • Staying grounded despite this last crazy quarter — with Christmas around the corner (what is that?!?) and the end of the year coming up, I’m already anxious over well, everything. Because I am a naturally anxious person. But I know I don’t have to be. So really working on staying grounded and being more kind to myself. It’s tough, but we got to keep on.


  • The last quarter of the year? How did we even get here? We had this guessing game in my team wherein we took a stab at when we’d be allowed to travel for work again. We set our guesses on the first day of WFH in March. One of our teammates guessed October and we all laughed at him. I know that 2020 has been some sort of dumpster fire but I’m just taking all the arbitrary starts I can get. Q4, please be kinder to everyone?

An Affair to Remember

An Affair to Remember

This Got Messy

This Got Messy