I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Currently: April 2020

Currently: April 2020

Apart from being sad that I didn’t get to travel for my not so little godson/nephew’s third birthday, life is not bad. I feel very blessed to still have a job and a place to live (but more on that later) and things could be way worse.

We did get news of the extension of the circuit break and that means we’re status quo indoors until the first of June — and who knows maybe they’ll extend till the end of June too. Still, there’s a lot to smile about.


  • I finally caved and got a subscription to Hallmark Movies on demand. I’ve been trying to find the best way to do this and after much hee-hawing, I got a FRNDLY TV account and honestly, it is a life-changer. Being able to watch When Calls the Heart or any of the old and comforting HCU movies especially now that we’ve got an extended circuit break is just the thing. I managed to coerce Chinggay to do it too and now there’s no looking back.

  • I’ve been watching a lot of Austen movies as a comfort-movie and honestly, the amount of rewatches I’ve done has not made me sick of these films yet. So having a new Emma. to enjoy while we’re in quarantine is a great place to start. I’m hoping I can continue this re-watching every weekend because it’s bringing me so much joy and all the warm and fuzzy feelings I need right now.

  • Helping my grandma fix her Facebook Portal. My cousin got her one a couple months back and I had been able to call her whenever we wanted to, but then her ringer for some reason went out and she wasn’t able to hear when folks were calling her. After an hour tutorial with her in the vernacular and trying to teach her the concept of swiping and asking her to describe what was on her screen (I was essentially blind tech support), we managed to do it. And a week later, we even got her to figure out face filters. Honestly, biggest accomplishment for Q2.

Working On

  • I’m actually getting used to this new normal — having only workout clothes to launder and trying to wear more outside clothes indoors so I’m not always in ratty house shirts when I do zoom calls. I’m also super thankful we can still walk outside — is honestly a game changer. Yes, you need to wear a mask but I’m still able to keep my steps up and that is just the best for me. Though the swimming pool is closed, I can still do yoga in my room (and with siblings on zoom!) so it’s again, not bad.

  • I can’t believe I’m now a person who can feed herself, but I am. I set a goal of meal prepping for April and you know what? I did it. Sure, I was literally cooking the same white fish weekly and it helps that I’m the type of person that can eat the same thing literally every day (I also have oatmeal for lunch everyday). But going from always take away to cooking 80% of my meals now has been a great source of satisfaction. As for how edible the food is? Well, that’s another story.


  • We found out that we have to look for a new place to live before July 15 (when our lease ends). And though normally this is ok, we have the circuit break extension until June 1 and god knows when that will really end so the search for a home will be a bit tough. Still, keeping my chin up about all of this. But if anyone knows of any leads for places in Singapore that aren’t exorbitant, I’m all ears!

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever

Still Waiting for Spring

Still Waiting for Spring