I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times

The World Cup… of Team Pics

Patty & Acid appraise national team photos and ask the hard questions like which team is rocking their M&S outfits harder? Do the teams travel in suits or do they change on the plane? Also, we toast Dier on his engagement and Kane on his very random award. 

Thank you to Pietro Lazatin for our music. Follow us on Twitter and on Instagram @StalkingSpurs

Let’s get social

Eric gets engaged!

Kane wins an award!  

And wins our hearts with his dance moves! 

Art begets art 

Genius inspires genius 

Hojbs strips down 

Harry gets sentimental

World Cup of Team Pics









BB of the Week

Emily and Benny?! 

Salvi Sanchez 

The Kane Kids 

Charlie Morgan

And all theSOAPS perfectionfrom Marine Lloris

Bye Bye Byes

Ride or Dier