I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times


I am terrible with my water consumption.

I can go a half day without having consumed anything and I know that’s not a good thing. I’ve read enough articles and listened to enough pods and frankly, this is just basic knowledge that it’s good for you. And yet, I don’t do it. I know that when I work out (if I do rather), that’s when I’m like, yes it’s hot. I need some water. And you’d think living on the equator where it is hot and humid all the time, I’d be killing for water every single time and yet I don’t drink enough.

And so what does Patty do when she has a problem to be solved? She downloads an app (at least that’s what Taylor told me I do) and so I did. I saw this wonderful free app called Waterllama and props that it’s made by a team in Ukraine. And it’s quite a cute reminder app that really just tracks all sorts of drinks — water primarily but even coffee and alcohol (which apparently dehydrates you).

So I get a reminder every 2 hours if I don’t log a drink which you’d think is fairly easy to do. The first couple of days, it’s easy for me to get on track and I start off the day with a 300ml glass of water right when I wake up so that it’s at least some water off my goal. And just get that 2 hour ping, which is also a good excuse to get off my ass and walk around to get that glass of water. So it’s 2 birds 1 stone, am I right?

But then I upgraded (cause support Ukraine! and it was a one time payment) and now I have access to all the other drinks. And when I’m out and drinking, I see my hydration going down for every beer I drink which is wild. Like I know this in theory, but seeing my animal lose hydration is such a bummer. Now I know I could just not log the damn drinks, but where’s the fun in that for the tracker in me.

So far, I’ve hit some streaks but I haven’t done it completely and I know I love a streak. So I’m hoping I can continue on building this better behaviour cause I know it’s good for me anyway.

 I Think I am Finally Clean

I Think I am Finally Clean

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