I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
How You Get the Girl

How You Get the Girl

My parasocial relationship with Taylor Swift I know is in the unhealthy levels. I know this for a fact, but I still consider myself a casual fan. But when the Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce relationship errupted, you know I was there dying. My explore page on Instagram is nothing but them holding hands in public.

This may be the first Taylor relationship where I’m getting kilig to the high heavens. And it’s not like this isn’t the first very public outing — hello Tom HIddleston. But no matter how random this pairing, is it really? I think the internet has given their thoughts on this but I just want to document for posterity’s sake how happy I am for Taylor.

First off, this man is massive. If you’ve listened to any of my Hallmark podcasts, the height differential trope is one of my favorite because as a tiny girl, a man towering over me makes me feel even more petite. And Taylor ain’t small. so the fact she can wear heels and still be towered over? I die.

Second, this man has a podcast. And was open about manifesting his love for her. I think this is the main difference. All her other boyfriends kinda kept their love for her in the dark. Not that it was any less valid. In fact, I get WHY people wouldn’t want the spotlight. But This man is literally yelling his love for her from the rooftops. And who doesn’t want that kind of declaration? Ok, maybe a lot of folks but clearly she likes it.

Third, this is fandoms colliding. I asked my dad if Travis Kelce was any good. Cause this could be a Kardashian situation where they date athletes that aren’t necessarily top of their game. And my dad has confirmed that he’s good! I know nothing about American football apart from the Patriot related things or Tom Brady things cause thanks dad. So I can see why the NFL is capitalising on this

Fourth, is this just publicity? Sure, maybe. But even if, I love how we’re all kind of just eating popcorn and getting kiilig in real time for our girl. Our girl who is the queen of feeding the parasocial relationship with her. We know things about her because she reveals them to us and now even this part — her relationships we learn about after the fact through songs, we get to witness in real time.

Could this be it? Is this endgame for her? I don’t know but I’m so incredibly happy she gets this love story because lord knows she’s written the songs about this kind of love and I’m glad she’s manifested it all!

Jimabaran, Bali

Jimabaran, Bali

A Tale of Two Apple Experiences

A Tale of Two Apple Experiences