I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Non-Permanent Resident

Non-Permanent Resident

after waiting 12 months and 2 weeks, I get the rejection letter from the government on my application for permanent residency.

Its my second application. The first time around, I was rejected after 3 months. And same as before, there are no reasons.

I know others have it worse (my sisters been rejected 4x after living here 12 years) so who am I to get a better result, but my hopes definitely went up after waiting for so long.

It definitely brought me to tears. And having that stability has been something I’ve wanted for some time, but I know that’s just how it goes with this.

I’ll reapply again when I can, and hopefully beef up my volunteering and I don’t know what else and hope for the best.

I’ll take all the good vibes I can get because after checking my Singpass app everyday and see pending for so long, seeing the rejection status still hurts.

One Sec

One Sec

Currently: September 2022

Currently: September 2022