I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Why Worry

Why Worry

With my vaccination completed, I thought I would feel a complete sigh of relief. But I can’t say it has. With the Delta variant affecting vaccinated people (to a lesser degree), it’s still incredibly taxing to have this hanging over our heads no matter how careful we are.

My family back in Manila (the hottest hot zone if there ever was), are on their way to full vaccination — my mom about to get her second jab, our helpers getting their first jabs, but the threat is still real and I feel quite helpless being so far away.

Then you hear of your friends and their families — friends you grew up with, went to school with, worked with — and how their parents are getting sick, unable to get the help they need. And these are the people in your circle already. It used to be someone who knew someone who knew someone and now it is aunts and uncles and people you directly know. I can’t even imagine how this is taking a toll on the rest of the country who don’t have the means and without a government infrastructure to help make things better.

Then there’s family in the US who are vaccinated but given how polarised it is, you can’t help but worry about. I wonder when this worrying will end. I can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. There’s talk of travel bubbles (risky given my visa status and oh yeah, delta is real). Things just feel bleak. Does anyone know of places that are doing good work where we can help out? I feel like I just want to do something, anything rather than just worry.

When I Read In COVID Times

When I Read In COVID Times

Currently: July 2021

Currently: July 2021