I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Going For Broke

Going For Broke

I’ve definitely been glued to my television way more than I used to be but I’m choosing to be kind to myself regarding this because hello, global pandemic right? Having said that, there’s so much content, I honestly have to curate and figure out what it is I want to watch because I’ll never run out (unlike my father who has reached the end of Netflix).

So I’m really excited to watch Bridgerton — it looks like Gossip Girl in the Austen era and I’m here for it. The fact that it comes from Shonda Rhimes, and I’ve most probably watched all of her work — yes, even The Catch and For the People (wish that one had lasted longer). It has the accents, the scandal, the period drama! Please inject this into my veins.

On the other hand, I’m very skeptical about the HBO MAX remake of Gossip Girl but you know I’ll at least check it out. I know it’s HBO MAX and they have a good reputation thus far but isn’t it too soon to for a remake of Gossip Girl? I still remember the first one very clearly. I still remember what i was doing then. But hey, I’ll check it out at the very least.

In other binge news, I’m very late to the Billions and Borgen party but I’m glad I jumped into both. My dad recommended Billions and it really reminds me of Suits which I enjoyed immensely once I learned to block out Rachel Zane (aka Mrs. Prince Harry because it breaks my heart too much, but I digress.)

Seeing Damian Lewis outside of Homeland is actually pretty nice because though I enjoyed him in Homeland, I felt like the show was much better when he left it. So that’s saying something. But he’s really good and effective as local hero, billionaire, Bobby Axelrod. I have a whole lot of seasons to get through but I’ll take my time.

Yes, Paul Giammati is a delight to watch in it but I’m more fascinated by the wives on this show! Malin Akerman is brilliant as Lara Axelrod and how she’s trying to ‘keep it real’ even as they ascend to billionaire status. Maggie Siff as Wendy Rhoades is also so amazing in her precarious situation. I wish I’d see more of the women but we all know this is going to be a male-heavy show. Still, I’ll take great female characters any day!

I’m also really glad I caught up with Borgen before they do a new season (in 2022!?!). I do miss some The West Wing style television and though subtitles make sure I pay attention all the time, it’s really a nice premise with the first female Danish Prime Minister and the machinations in their government.

The cast is pretty stacked (shout out to the hot First Husband, because yes!) but also so nice to see so many lovely female characters from the lead Birgitte Nyborg-Christensen and amazing journalist, Katrine and her mentor, Hanne. It’s so nice to see a functioning government given how fucking shambolic the one in our dear motherland is, so fiction always is a nice place to be.

I’m sad that Pilou Asbek’s character Kasper isn’t as prominent in the third season but it was apparently his choice since his character was so goddamn compelling. But there’s so much going on in this show that it’s ok.

What about you guys? What are you watching? What can I get in to?

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