I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times
Act Like You Own The Place

Act Like You Own The Place

I guess it goes to show how much award shows don’t matter in my life with the fact that I haven’t seen any of the nominees save for Parasite (and I really only just want to see Little Women, finally this weekend!) but I still follow the awards circuit like a crazy person so I guess there is a dichotomy to me.

Having said that, I am so incredibly happy for Parasite being nominated in so many categories because hot damn that was my favorite movie from 2019. All those nominations — I hope are opening the door for more diversity, but I doubt it. Directing. Picture. Film Editing. International Film. Production Design (because really, that house). Original Screenplay. I am all in.

I would like for this movie to sweep the fucking Oscars to make up for the disgrace that is the nominees in the other categories. Wouldn’t it be great if it won both International Film and Best Film? Or is that overkill and should we spread the love to other foreign films? Ok how about this. I’ll take Best Film over Best International Film. However, I will also gladly take both? Sounds fair? Oh life isn’t fair? That’s the entire Parasite premise — which makes this so meta. So let’s go.

I do wish we had some acting nominations — lord knows we could get some diversity in the Oscars this year but I’ll take what we’re given — it’s not like we had much of a choices. Here are some other stray thoughts and feelings on the craziness that was the nominees this year.

  • Best Picture/Director: I still don’t understand how you can divide the two but The New Yorker shares some thoughts on this but still. Where is Hustlers?! I know it was probably just me that enjoyed it way too much but there are 10 slots for picture and we didn’t get this?! I am confused.

  • Scarlett Johansson got two acting nominations. I would have given her just one — pick one! Then give her slot in either category to someone else! J.Lo! Lupita! Anyone else?! I’m not hating on Scarlett Johansson — she gets enough hate as it is, but it would have been nice to have someone else fill that slot.

  • I’m really excited to finally see Little Women but I wish Greta Gerwig had gotten a nomination for Best Director. It’s nice to see Saorsie and Florence get some nominations for their acting as well some Costume Design and Adapted screenplay. I just wish there was more.

I guess we’ll see how this all pans out but I’m excited to see the cast and crew of Parasite seated at a prime location come Oscar night and until then, let them sweep the rest of the guild awards, please.

Editing this to Add…

I’ve finally seen Little Women and it is glorious. From the adaptation of the screenplay (the parallels!) to the costumes, to the cinematography! But really, the cast! Greta Gerwig cast so well. Jo and Meg and Amy and Beth were perfect! Marmee and Mr. March (underused Bob Odernik!) and the Lawrences (Laurie! Mr Laurence!) and even John Brooke! Mr. Bhaer! And Hannah!

I’m in love. I can’t stop thinking about it. I watched the Winona Ryder one as a child and fell in love but this one, was too good. And sure, we get the Inception style ending — which I’m honestly happy if it goes either way, because the spirit of the sisterhood and the relationships they had with each other were just so wonderful. And the killer lines, from Amy telling Laurie she’ll never be the fallback to Jo especially since she’s loved him her whole life! To Meg telling Jo that just because her dreams are different, doesn’t mean they’re not important! And to Jo breaking down to Marmee and not wanting to just be ‘made for love’ but also feeling lonely! (I FELT THAT).

I was rooting for Jo all the way even as I saw her flaws (hello, leading Laurie on for so long and then friend zoning him only to want him back later on because loneliness! I relate!). And finally, I’m not annoyed with Amy and Beth actually had some substance ish! And Meg wasn’t a saint and had her vanities. And everyone was multi faceted!

And because Timothee Chalamet will always be Finn from Homeland for me (whom I really was annoyed with), I’ve never been on the Timmy train, but GODDAMN I AM ALL ABOARD THIS ONE because he was amazing.

Greta’s take on this classic really makes me sad that she wasn’t nominated for a directing Oscar because this movie will go down for me as an all time favorite. As one of the movies I watch over and over again no matter how many times I’ve seen it — when I’m sad or when I’m happy. This joins the ranks of Pride and Prejudice and Emma and Notting Hill and Center Stage. It’s a strange bunch, I know.

I need more of this in my life and I think I might just start the rewatches now.

Let It Snow

Let It Snow

Begin Again

Begin Again