I thought that if i let anyone in, they’d find out what was broken about me. And then not only would they know, i’d know too.
— Naoise Dolan, Exciting Times

Growing from Giving: social entrepreneurship & resilience tips

Learn about Singapore’s food resilience strategy, the 30x30 plan, case studies of urban resilience in Southeast Asia and Henry’s entrepreneurial journey

Guest: Gordon-Smith, Henry Meet Henry Gordon-Smith, CEO and Managing Director of Agritecture

  1. Ong, Chelsea, CNBC, 2022 Singapore imports 90 percent of its food how is it coping with inflation

  2. Raghu, Anuradha, Bloomberg, 2022 Malaysia Eases Ban on Exports of Live Premium ChickenMalaysia eases ban on premium chicken exports

  3. Singapore Food Agency  30x30

  4. Singapore Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, 2021 Grace Fu How will Singapore ensure we have enough food 

  5. Singapore Food Agency, 2021 Stakeholder engagement report for the Lim Chu Kang Masterplan

  6. Zheng, Zhangxin, MothershipSG, 2022 Can we enjoy fresh and affordable locally farmed fish in S’pore for the next 20 years? Yes, with sustainable fish farming

  7. Lazada SG Farmer’s market

  8. Hickem, Taylor, 2019 Food sustainability : Motivation for resource efficient urban farm design

  9. OECD, 2018 Indicators for Resilient cities

  10. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2021 Chapter 5: Special report on food and land

  11. Gordon-Smith, Henry 2021 AgFunderNewsVertical farming is headed for the trough of disillusionment heres why thats a good thing

  12. Gordon-Smith Henry, 2021 KL TedX ThoughtforFoodLessons from the past for a more resilient food future

  13. Living Architecture Monitor, 2022 On the roof with urban agriculture experts

  14. Hamilton, Andrew J, 2014 Give peas a chance? Urban agriculture in developing countries: A review

  15. RUAF, 2006 Cities farming for the future urban agriculture for green and productive cities

  16. Despommier, Dickson, 2011 The Vertical Farm: Feeding the World in the 21st Century

  17. Despommier, Dickson BigThink, 2014 Vertical Farming explained

  18. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V, 2015 Vertical Farm 2.0

  19. Hickem, Taylor, 2019 THE_FOOD_WALL_Open_source_Engineering_Design_Software_for_Vertical_Farming_Greenhouse

  20. O’Kelly, Morgan, 1996 Agricultural location theory, Von Thunen’s contribution to economic geography

  21. Mr Sinn YouTube Von Thunen’s Model of Land Use

  22. Shalal, Andrea, WEForum, Sep 2021 "Climate change could trigger internal migration of 216 million people - World Bank"

  23. UNHCR, 2016 "Frequently asked questions on climate change and disaster displacement"

  24. Henley, Jon, 2020 "Climate crisis could displace 1.2bn people by 2050, report warns"

  25. Steinhauer, Jennifer, New York Times, 2020 “Victory Gardens Were More About Solidarity Than Survival

  26. Fry, Richard, Pew Research 2020 "Millennials overtake Baby Boomers as America’s largest generation"

  27. Google search trend “vertical farming” 2004 - present, Worldwide

  28. Les Parisculteurs in a nutshell

  29. France-Presse, Agence 2015 "France decrees new rooftops must be covered in plants or solar panels"

  30. Living Architecture Monitor, 2022 “In France, a New Law Supports Green Roofs on Buildings

Passing the mic: Inclusivity, accessibility in climate activism